
Ever wondered how people make money online?

Without starting a real company with employees and what not? Well, I did. I always tried to look for ways to have an extra income stream besides my day job.

This website is my first serious attempt to make money online, the site is dedicated to create an income stream. What  you won’t find are opinions about politics or economics. Obviously people who are intent to create a small business and to grow their wealth usually have strong opinions. I wish to avoid those.

What you will find are a lot of affiliate links. Like the one on the left. I get a small kick-back if you use this link. This is a popular income stream for vloggers and bloggers.

I will give my opinion on how to get more wealthy and financially independent. But only from a practical standpoint and from my own experiences. That means that I also show my failures and that I have to back paddle on previous opinions.

So who am I and how do I intent to make money online?

Well, I’m a European, citizen of the EU, and for a couple of years I’m dabbling with Zazzle and Google adsense. Now I want to ramp up my efforts. First with increasing my Zazzle output and secondly by using more money making schemes, affiliate programs. Honestly, I’ll try any commercial venture that can be done online and which make a proper profit within a reasonable amount of time and effort.

Where did Digital Homestead come from?

The question is, “when is an economic activity a real business?”. Do I have a real small business or is it just a hobby? What most people do when they try to make money online is more like homesteading. In my opinion. But that’s subject for a separate blog post. Today we live in a digital world and increasingly our activities and products get digitized. Whence “Digital”.

Make money digital homestead
Make money with a digital homestead.